My senior thesis, Issues, uses the graphic style of the 1950s to convey the similarities between the social issues then and now. I focused on issues regarding public health, women’s rights, and civil rights. My research findings were nothing but negative. However, this was imperative to the success of my project. These issues are as prevalent today as they were in the 1950s. This highlights the need for change not only then, but now.
I communicated my ideas through supergraphics made up of letter sized sheets of paper. They are cost effective and easy to assemble. This conveys the urgency behind the matter. The modular units allows them to be assembled anywhere, and at any scale.
I imitated the style of 1950s graphic design in order to create hand drawn graphics. Each issue has their own set of relevant graphics.
I imitated the style of 1950s graphic design in order to create a hand drawn typeface. This typeface was utilized within the supergraphics to communicate the primary and secondary messages.
Fall Pin Up
I got to choose where my supergraphics were installed during the Fall semester. This was installed in the hallway directly outside of the administrative offices of our college.
Spring Pin Up
For the Spring semester, I had to install my supergraphic in the designated exhibition space. The overall message remains the same, although at a different scale. Throughout the Spring semester, I focused incorporating augmented reality into my project. I animated a few graphics and with the help of Adobe AR, you were able to interact with the supergraphic during the exhibition.